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Wireless Solution for Mining

Wireless broadband provides the communication backbone required by every open-pit mining operation. Fast, secure data transfer VoIP Telephony and Video Surveillance are all supported by a single wireless communication platform from Netkrom. Built to perform in extreme environments Netkrom high-capacity wireless systems offer the fast, reliable and always available connectivity that is essential for efficient communication and productivity for the industry.

Structure Stability Monitoring
Safety is a major concern as pit slopes and benches are being shaped with the use of explosives and heavy equipment. Wireless broadband enables data from Doppler radar systems to be streamed directly to headquarters in real time. An alarm is immediately sounded should there be an unexpected slump or collapse in the pit wall, keeping workers out of danger.
Remote Control
Water levels and operations at remote pump houses are monitored from headquarters, saving manual effort while ensuring continued operation.
Vehicle Dispatch
Wireless communication improves productivity through easy control and monitoring of trucks and tractors. Vehicles are assigned using the Dispatch software for quick and efficient deployment.
GPS Positioning
Maintain accurate positioning by accessing real-time online 3D geological maps. This enables crosschecking of the reported physical GPS location to ensure collection of the appropriate material.
On-Site Office Solution
Work crews using small vehicles can connect to VoIP and access mining applications while on site.
Video Surveillance
Video cameras are the most practical and efficient way to visually monitor overall activity in large pit operations, particularly around the use of explosives. Wireless broadband enables video images to be streamed to the control room in real time.

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