Wireless Test & Tools Equipment
NETKROM offers a range of wireless design, tools and test instruments, products include Wi-Fi, WiMAX, CDMA, and 802.11 applications,
our partnetship with Berkeley Varitronics Systems, a company leader and specialized in spectrum analysis for RF analysis, RSSI, VSWR and Power Meters so this alliance give as the oportunity to make this possible.
Wi-Fi Power Meter
Butterfly™ is a low-cost, handheld power meter designed specifically for 802.11b, a and b/g WLANs in mind.
Berkeley’s Wi-Fi Power Analyzer is a low-cost, handheld sweeping receiver designed for 802.11(b,a,g) Wi-Fi frequency & power measurements.
Wi-Fi Installers
BEETLE - B/A/N/G is a wireless test receiver system that verifies, sweeps, measures and optimizes all popular 802.11 Wi-Fi network standards including 802.11b/g (2.4 GHz), 802.11a (5 GHz) and even 802.11n.
Yellowjacket® B/A/N/G is a wireless test receiver system that demodulates, sweeps, analyzes, and optimizes all popular 802.11 Wi-Fi network standards including 802.11b/g (2.4 GHz), 802.11n, and even 802.11a (5 GHz).
Beetle™ is a handheld, low-cost wireless receiver designed specifically for installing and maintaining Local Area Networks.
Beetle™ 802.11a is a handheld, low-cost wireless instrument designed specifically for installing and maintaining 802.11a Wi-Fi networks.
Wi-Fi Analyzers
Yellowjacket® B/A/N/G is a wireless test receiver system that demodulates, sweeps, analyzes, and optimizes all popular 802.11 Wi-Fi network standards.
Yellowjacket® is a calibrated wireless receiver module that interfaces with HP’s iPAQ® PocketPC® in sweeping, analyzing and optimizing 2.4GHz Wi-Fi Networks.
Yellowjacket® is a wireless receiver module designed to work with HP’s iPAQ® PDA in sweeping, analyzing and optimizing 5 GHz W-LANs and WISPs.
Yellowjacket® is a calibrated wireless receiver module that interfaces with HP´s iPAQ´; PocketPC´; in sweeping, analyzing and optimizing 2.4GHz Wi-Fi Networks.
Yellowjacket® B/A/N/G is a wireless test receiver system that demodulates, sweeps, analyzes, and optimizes all popular 802.11 Wi-Fi network standards including 802.11b/g (2.4 GHz), 802.11n, and even 802.11a (5 GHz).
Spectrum Analyzers
BumbleBee™-TABLET is a Windows XP® tablet UMPC spectrum analyzer all-in-one system. The calibrated receiver measures a combo of popular wireless bands including Wi-Fi, WiMAX, ISM, Public Safety, Bluetooth and more.
BumbleBee-EX™ is a rugged, calibrated spectrum analyzer all-in-one system. The handheld receiver measures the popular wireless WiMAX frequencies between 2.0-4.0 GHz and 4.9-5.9GHz.
BumbleBee-RFID™ is a rugged, calibrated spectrum analyzer all-in-one system. The handheld receiver measures the popular wireless RFID frequency bands 860-960MHz & 2.4-2.5GHz.
BumbleBee™ is a precision calibrated spectrum analyzer that interfaces with HP’s iPAQ® PocketPC®. The handheld receiver measures combinations of distinct wireless bands in three different models: 900MHz, 2.400-2.500GHz and 5.150-5.900GHz.
BumbleBee™ is a precision calibrated spectrum analyzer that interfaces with HP’s iPAQ® PocketPC®. The handheld receiver measures combinations of distinct wireless bands in three different models: 2.4GHz, 4.9Ghz and even 5.8 GHz. |
BumbleBee-LX™ is a rugged, handheld spectrum analyzer all-in-one system. The calibrated receiver measures popular wireless standards such as RFID, Cellular, PCS, Pulic Safety Band, SMR and even cordless phones that reside in frequencies 700-2000 MHz. |
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